Saturday, 4 February 2023

All Adani Group Valuation Using PE/PriceToBook/McapToSales Ratio

 ðŸš¨Thread on Adani Group Valuation

⚡️Despite 50-60% Correction in #Adani Group
lets look at Valuation of all Adani stocks
If Current Stock PE Trading Above Its 10Yr Average PE Then Current Price is Overvalued Else Undervalued. Same for PriceToBook & McapToSales Current Ratio:
A current ratio pertains to the liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay off its short-term dues and debts with its current assets in a span of 12 months or less.
A good current ratio is typically anywhere between 1.5 and 2, but it can sometimes depend on the industry your company falls within.
Now Compare & Read
1. #AdaniEnterprises :
Stock PE : 150 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 14
PriceToBook : 5.73 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 0.7
McapToSales : 1.47 Vs 10Yr Avg 0.3

Current Ratio :0.89
Conclusion : Looks Overvalued
2. #AdaniPorts Stock PE : 20 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 21.4
PriceToBook : 2.43 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 4.2
McapToSales : 6 Vs 10Yr Avg 8.3 Current Ratio : 1.60 Conclusion : Undervalued

3. #AdaniPower
Stock PE : 7.16 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 19.5
PriceToBook : 3 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 2.3
McapToSales : 2 Vs 10Yr Avg 0.7
Current Ratio : 1
Conclusion : Slighly Overvalued
4. #AdaniGreen
Stock PE : 272 Vs 5yr Avg PE : 713
PriceToBook : 27.8 Vs 5Yr Avg PB : 66
McapToSales : 24.4 Vs 5Yr Avg 41.8
Current Ratio : 0.67 Conclusion : Slighly Overvalued
5. #AdaniTransmission
Stock PE : 181 Vs 8yr Avg PE : 37.4
PriceToBook : 14.6 Vs 8Yr Avg PB : 3.9
McapToSales : 12.7 Vs 8Yr Avg 4.7
Current Ratio : 0.96
Conclusion : Highly Overvalued
6. #AdaniTotalGas
Stock PE : 368 Vs 5yr Avg PE : 92.7
PriceToBook : 66.6 Vs 5Yr Avg PB : 23.8
McapToSales : 44 Vs 5Yr Avg 25.4
Current Ratio : 0.47
Conclusion : Highly Overvalued
7. #Acc
Stock PE : 50 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 25.2
PriceToBook : 2.61 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 3
McapToSales : 2.08 Vs 10Yr Avg 2.3
Current Ratio : 1.48
Conclusion : Slightly Undervalued

8. #AmbujaCement
Stock PE : 40 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 24.8
PriceToBook : 2.91 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 2.9
McapToSales : 2.42 Vs 10Yr Avg 2.5
Current Ratio : 1.43
Conclusion : UnderValued

9. #NDTV
Stock PE : 15.8 Vs 10yr Avg PE : 7.9
PriceToBook : 5.12 Vs 10Yr Avg PB : 4.3
McapToSales : 3.16 Vs 10Yr Avg 0.9
Current Ratio : 1.51
Conclusion : Slighly OverValued By looking at Above data Still Most of stocks looks overvalued & Technically trading below 200sma. For me its NO BUY.
it doesn't mean share cant go Up or down from here …Anything can happen ..stock is oversold so any bounce from here doesn't mean stock made bottom .. Before buying anything Consult your financial advisor

Regards, RSP

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