Saturday, 28 May 2016

सफल जीवन के 18 सूत्र

सफल जीवन के 18) सूत्र
✍1. *जीवन*
जब तुम पैदा हुए थे तो तुम रोए थे
जबकि पूरी दुनिया ने जश्न मनाया था।
अपना जीवन ऐसे जियो कि तुम्हारी मौत
पर पूरी दुनिया रोए और तुम जश्न मनाओ।
✍2. *कठिनाइयों*
जब तक आप अपनी समस्याओं एंव
कठिनाइयों की वजह दूसरों को मानते है,
तब तक आप अपनी समस्याओं एंव
कठिनाइयों को मिटा नहीं सकते|
✍3. *असंभव*
इस दुनिया में असंभव कुछ भी नहीं|
हम वो सब कर सकते है,
जो हम सोच सकते है और
हम वो सब सोच सकते है, जो
आज तक हमने नहीं सोचा|
✍4. *हार ना मानना*
बीच रास्ते से लौटने का कोई फायदा नहीं
क्योंकि लौटने पर आपको उतनी ही दूरी
तय करनी पड़ेगी जितनी दूरी तय करने
पर आप लक्ष्य तक पहुँच सकते है|
✍5. *हार जीत*
सफलता हमारा परिचय दुनिया को करवाती है
          और असफलता
हमें दुनिया का परिचय करवाती है|
✍6. *आत्मविश्वास*
अगर किसी चीज़ को दिल से चाहो तो
पूरी कायनात उसे तुमसे मिलाने में लग जाती है,il
✍7. *महानता*
महानता कभी न गिरने में नहीं
बल्कि हर बार गिरकर उठ जाने में है|
✍8. *गलतियां*
अगर आप समय पर अपनी गलतियों को
स्वीकार नहीं करते है तो आप एक और
गलती कर बैठते है| आप अपनी गलतियों से
तभी सीख सकते है जब आप अपनी
गलतियों को स्वीकार करते है|,
✍9. *चिन्ता*
अगर आप उन बातों एंव परिस्थितियों की
वजह से चिंतित हो जाते है, जो आपके
नियंत्रण में नहीं तो इसका परिणाम समय
की बर्बादी एवं भविष्य पछतावा है|
✍10. *शक्ति*
ब्रह्माण्ड की सारी शक्तियां पहले से हमारी हैं|
वो हम हैं जो अपनी आँखों पर हाथ रख लेते हैं
और फिर रोते हैं कि कितना अन्धकार है|
✍11. *मेहनत*
हम चाहें तो अपने आत्मविश्वास और मेहनत
के बल पर अपना भाग्य खुद लिख सकते है
और अगर हमको अपना भाग्य लिखना नहीं
आता तो परिस्थितियां हमारा भाग्य लिख देंगी|
✍12. *सपने*
सपने वो नहीं है जो हम नींद में देखते है,
सपने वो है जो हमको नींद नहीं आने देते।
✍13. *समय*
आप यह नहीं कह सकते कि
आपके पास समय नहीं है क्योंकि
आपको भी दिन में उतना ही समय
(24 घंटे) मिलता है जितना समय महान
एंव सफल लोगों को मिलता है|
✍14. *विश्वास*
विश्वास में वो शक्ति है जिससे उजड़ी हुई
दुनिया में प्रकाश लाया जा सकता है|
विश्वास पत्थर को भगवान बना सकता है
और अविश्वास भगवान के बनाए इंसान को
भी पत्थर दिल बना सकता है|
✍16. *सफलता*
दूर से हमें आगे के सभी रास्ते बंद नजर आते हैं
क्योंकि सफलता के रास्ते हमारे लिए तभी
खुलते जब हम उसके बिल्कुल करीब पहुँच जाते है|
✍17. *सोच*
बारिश की दौरान सारे पक्षी आश्रय की
तलाश करते है लेकिन बाज़ बादलों के
ऊपर उडकर बारिश को ही avoid कर देते है।
समस्याए common है, लेकिन आपका
नजरिया इनमे difference पैदा करता है।
✍18.  *प्रसन्नता*
यह पहले से निर्मित कोई चीज नहीं है..
ये आप ही के कर्मों से आती है,il
आपका हर लम्हा मंगलदायक हो.

Cheers 😃

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

RSP View on Nifty _Spot

Nifty LTP  7749

Hello Folks,
Today In this Post will Try to Forecast about Nifty Next Move.

Last time I wrote in March when Nifty was at 7450. 

For Target 7979. that  successfully done  and fail to give close above it. 
Check My Old View Here

Now Today we close at 7749 +17 
and Todays Chart looks like this.. check below chart. 

From last 2 month we are in range of 7979-7676.
and this point in market lots of noise for 7200/6800/6400 and upside 8500/9200/10k. but truth is currently we are in sideways Market 7676-7979. 
and Its hard to predict where market will go before Breakout or Breakdown for me as well for all analyst.
there mindset may say we will fall because 1200 point rally done etc etc.

Lets avoid too much commentary  :p & Back to Point 
1. Currently We are in sideways Market 7676-7979.

2. Medium-term View - 
i)Close Above 8030 Will Lead 8650/8950/9133++ &10k (Not in a Straight way, zig zag) Buy on dips SLCB 7676.

ii)Close Below 7666 will lead to 7525/7245/6868. & 6464(Not in a Straight way, zig zag) Sell on rise. SLCB 7979

3. Short-term View- 
i)Close Above 7820 SL 7720 Target 8000/8181+ and then correction. 
ii)Close Below 7676 Sell on rise 7788/7820 SL 7940 TGT 7525.

Above is my View based on my analysis. Read the disclaimer twice before following it :p 

Remember an important point folks. 
NO ONE CAN TELL THE FUTURE. What we are trying to do here, with Technical Analysis, is to provide ourselves with a framework to base our trades upon.

Hope you Like this View. Share it Bindass. 
Any Query can ask me via Telegram @stockstudy8 or
 mail me

 My Twitter Handle: @stockstudy8

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Sunday, 22 May 2016


Rama Phosphates

LTP 59

1. Stock is given Inverted H&S Breakout .
2. Stock is Given Breakout from 6 year falling Trendline.
3. Stock is trading above all Moving Avg. 
4. Monthly MACD Histogram also above 0. Very bullish in Nature.
5. Buy the stock when it will retest H&S Breakout level. 
6. Stock is trading at 0.85 times its book value.

Buy Near 45/40 SLCB 31.50 TGT 92/133+

For Online/Offline Technical Analysis Training Cont

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Growth Techno-Funda Stocks - Prithvi Softech

Prithvi Softech

Face value:10.00

LTP 27

1. Stock is Trading above all moving Avg.
2. Stock standing above its 5 year breakout Resistance. 
3. Company is  debt free.
4. Stock is trading at 0.74 times its book value.
5. Stock PE Value is 7.50 & Industry PE is 24.18.
6 .Continuous Growth in its Operating profit,PAT,Netsales, asset.
Check Here To Check above Parameter.

Buy Near 25/22 SL 17 CB Target 55/100++ & more. (4/5 year)

For Online/Offline Technical Analysis Training Cont

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Sugar Stock Breaking Out of 10 Year Resistance Zone #Watchout

Andhra Sugars

LTP 178

1. Stock Breaking Out of 10 Year Resistance zone Of  155-165
2. Triple Bottom Breakout Also Seen. 
3.  Stock is in big uptrend and trading above all major moving avg. 20/50/100/200. 
4.Company has been maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 28.58%.

Buy Near 156/145 SLCB 128 Target 255++ 
Timeframe-12/18 Months

For Online/Offline Technical Analysis Training Cont

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Students Feedback :) Keep Motivating Me My Frendzzzzzz


Thank You For The Great Feedback!!!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Marsons Ltd - Long-term Double Bottom Breakout


LTP 13.45
1.Stock is Trading near its 4 year high. 
2.Double Bottom Longterm Breakout or Range Breakout of 4 year.
3.Stock Given Golden cross in weekly chart. 

Buy on dips Till 10.50 SL 7 Target 25/30++ 
Timeframe-(2/4 year)

For Online/Offline Technical Analysis Training Cont

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

7 Leadership Principles to learn from an eagle..

Seven Leadership Principles to learn from an eagle..

(1)  Eagles fly alone and at high altitudes.
They don't fly with sparrows or other small birds.
Stay away from (narrow minded people)  sparrows and ravens, those that bring you down.
Eagles fly with Eagles. Keep good company.

(2) Eagles have an accurate vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km.
No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.

(3) Eagles do not eat dead things. They feed only on fresh prey.
Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

(4) Eagles love the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get excited. The eagle uses the storm’s wind to lift it higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagles uses the raging storm to lift him above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the leaves and branches of the trees.
Face your challenges knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges rather they relish them and use them profitably.

(5) When a female eagle meets a male and they want to mate, she flies down to earth with the male pursing her and she picks a twig. She flies back into the air with the male pursuing her.
Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she lets the twig fall to the ground and watches it as it falls. The male chases after the twig. The faster it falls, the faster he chases until he reaches it and has to catch it before it falls to the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle.
The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude, and then drops the twig for the male to chase.
This goes on for hours, with the height increasing until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment, then and only then, will she allow him to mate with her!
Whether in private life or in business, one should test commitment of people intended for partnership.

(6) Eagles prepare for training. They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young get uncomfortable in preparation for flying.
Leave your comfort zone, there is no growth there.

(7) When the Eagle grows old, his feathers become weak and cannot take him as fast as he should.
When he feels weak and about to die, he retires to a place far away in the rocks.
While there, he plucks out every feather on his body until he is completely bare. He stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers  then he can come out.
We occasionally need to shed off old habits, things that burden us, or add no value to our  lives.
Yes eagles never give up ...
So keep moving...

LongTerm Call- Morepen Lab For 123+

Morepen Laboratories

LTP 29.5

1.Stock is Trading near its 8 year high. 
2.Stock corrected frm 42 to 20 and taken support of 200 Avg. 
3.Stock Given Small Bullish Ascending Triangle Breakout. 
4. Short-term If stock is able to Hold 23 level We cn test again 42.

Buy in dips till 27/26 SL 23CB Target 62/123++
TimeFrame-2/4 year

Or You Can Hold till stock Not Close below 200SMA. Use 200SMA as a Tsl. Target can be bigger 300++ 

           Upcoming Technical Analysis Training Workshop Mumbai

For Online/Offline Technical Analysis Training Cont

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Gail India : Ready for 555++

GAIL India

LTP 383

1. Stock is in big uptrend and trading above  all major moving avg. 20/50/100/200. 
2.Stock breaks its last Quarter high 381.
3.Recently stock crossed 200 Weekly Moving Resistance. 

Buy Near 373/65 SL 351 Target 422/452/555++

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Medium Term Bet - Monte Carlo Fashions For Target 555++

Monte Carlo Fashions

LTP 445

Buy Near 415/400 SL 378 Target 500/555++

                   Upcoming workshop

Disclaimer :The Above view is purely for educational purpose. Nothing contained herein is a solicitation to trade or a recommendation of a specific trade. By reading this publication you agree to make no trade relying in whole or in part on the comments of the writers.

RSP Technical/Fundamental Analysis Training Syllabus - Online/Offline

Technical Analysis Training Workshop - Online/Offline

Course Details:-

Important Features:

-> Less Theory More of practical analysis with lot of Real Time examples.
-> Modes of Communication – English/Hindi
->  Life-Time back up support in case of queries
-> Small Batch Size of 5-8 participants.
-> Lots of PDFs and Notes,Study material.
-> Addition to Facebook/Telegram/whatsapp group of ex participants to continue the interactions and learnings.

Read Latest Feedbacks from Old Participants

The Topics to be covered given  below :
1. Stock Market Basics
2. Type of Stock Market Analysis
Fundamental Analysis:
i)How To find Strong Fundamental Pick
ii) What is Value Investing.
iii) How to select Cheap Stock at Life-Time High Market also.
iv)How To Pick Multibagger Pick with Help of Fundamental Analysis.
v)Which Type of Stock To Select While Investing.
Vi) How to Calculate Target With The help of Fundamental analysis.

 Technical Analysis:
3. Review of Technical Analysis
3.1 Trend & Trend Behaviours
What is Trend.. Types of Trends..Why Following Trend is very Important.. & How to Follow Trend. What is Definition of STRONG Stock & WEAK Stock. 

3.2 Support & Resistance -

I) Minor Sup & Minor Res
II)Major Sup & Major Res
III)Flip Sup & Flip Res
Buy Near sup & Sell Near Res is Golden Rule of Stockmkt.. but question is When To Buy Near Sup & When to Sell Near Resistance. 

3.3 Trend-line & Channel

What is Trendline,How to Draw Trendline.. When To use, How to use, What is purpose of using Trendline. 
3.4 Breakout & Break-Down
i)What is Breakout & Breakdown, Types of Breakout & Breakdown
ii)Which type of Breakout We Have To Play.
iii)When to Play on Daily Breakout/Breakdown, weekly Breakout/breakdown, Monthly Breakout/breakdown.
iv) How to know False/Fake Breakout/Breakdown. Why Its Occur. 

***Above 4 Topic is Very Very Important***

3.5 Different types of charts (Line,Bar,Candlestick) 

4.Types of Candlesticks Patterns
What is candlesticks Pattern, How to use it in our Trading life.
When to use it,
High Probability Reversal Candlestick Patterns
How to select the stock using candlestick patterns, When Patterns Fails

5. Introduction to chart Patterns
5.1 Reversal Pattern
(H&S, INV H&S,WEDGES-Type Of wedges, Double Top/Bottom Pattern.)

5.2 Continuation Pattern
(Symmetrical Triangle,Ascending Triangle,Descending Triangle,Flag,Pennant,
Cup&handle Pattern, Rectangle Pattern,Channel)
Which Pattern is Highly Successful, When Patterns Fails.

6.Rules-Based Strategies for Indicators
6.1 Leading Indicators & Lagging Indicators
6.2 RSI,MACD & Moving Avg
6.3 When To Use Which Indicator(TimeFrame)
6.4 Supertrend

7.Mastering Multi time-frame Analysis
8. Risk Management using Hedging Strategies 

9.Money Management  
10.Technical analysis step by step (The Mental Check-list)
11.Trick –How to Pick Best stock. When to exit when to enter.
12.Trading Discipline and What steps to take to be a successful Professional Trader/Investor using Technical Analysis.

What you Will learn from this course?

Technical Analysis is all about Where to Buy/where to Sell Which Stock to Buy/ Money-Management.

In Short Good Entry/Exit/Stop-Loss & “Stock Selection”.

Apart from that , Some Important Point You going to learn

How To Make Positional call/Long Term Call/Swing call/ Intra-day call
 What is The First Indication That Stock Is Going To Bottom-Out/Top-Out Soon .
 Importance of Moving Averages In Trading/Investing Life
 Importance of Stop-Loss In Trading/Investing Life
 How To Make Money From PENNY Stock. 

How to identify market trends
 How to Pick Best stock. which do not fall in Bearish Market.
 What is Golden Cross & Death Cross.
 Why Every Trader/Investor Should Trust On Technical Analysis
 Why Right Exit Is So Important In Investing Life

Method of selection of stocks for intra-day & positional trading
 My Advice For Every Traders/Investor.
 Trading Method/The Mental Check-list
Risk Management/Money-management
Question Answer Session.

Benefits Of  the Course :

1.Start your part time trading business .You can Trade Intraday/Short Term/Longterm in any market of the world. 
2.Learn the art of stock picking for long term wealth creation.
3.Learn to trade stocks in both bullish and bearish market. Learn Definition of Good or bad Strong or weak Stock. 
4.Stop looking for tips and focus on generating the ideas yourself. because its your money and its should handle by your own. 
5.Benefit from the power of the 8th wonder in the world – Compounding.
6.You will be ahead of 90% investors in the world who depend solely on Fundamental Analysis only.

Mode of Training :
There are 2 mode of Training

Online- with help of Team Viewer & Telephonic conversation.(Skype/whatsapp calling) we can complete the course in 2/3 weeks

Offline- face to face  In Mumbai or at your place if more than 4 student. ( 2 days)

Interested Member contact me at 
Mob/Whatsapp - +91-7977151052
Telegram :@stockstudy8 Or

If you would like a training session in your city and are a group of interested people go mail us on

Fees : Rs 17500/-


Ravi Prasad
